Character concept artist, Scarab Games, 2011
Freelance illustration, Android Netrunner, Fantasy Flight Games, 2012-2015
Freelance illustration, Call of Cthulhu, Fantasy Flight Games, 2012-2014
Freelance illustration, Yuimen: Aventure RPG, 2013
Lecturer (Introduction to Digital Painting, Advanced Digital Painting, Introduction to Studio Art: Drawing, Figure and Portrait Drawing), Saint Mary's College of California, 2013-2015
Freelance concept Artist, Red Accent, 2014
Freelance illustration, Lord of the Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2014
Freelance illustration, A Game of Thrones: Second Edition, Fantasy Flight Games, 2014-2015
Freelance illustration, Fury of Dracula: Third Edition, Fantasy Flight Games, 2015
Freelance illustration, The World of Android: IP book, Fantasy Flight Games, 2015
Freelance concept artist, Empowered World Ventures, 2016
Digital painting lecturer, CSU Chico, Spring 2017
Freelance illustration, Star Wars TCG, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017
Freelance illustration, Star Wars Destiny, Fantasy Flight Games, 2018
Freelance illustration, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2017-2020
Online course instructor and creator, DESSIN & SCULPTING 3D D'ANATOMIE D'EXPERT POUR ARTISTES, DigitalPainting.School, June 2019 - April 2020
Freelance illustration, Unannounced project, Ghostfire Gaming, 2021
Freelance illustration, Midnight - Crown of Madness, Edge Studio, 2022
Freelance illustration, Adventure in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban, Edge Studio/FFG, 2022
Freelance illustration, Star Wars Unlimited, Fantasy Flight Games, 2021-present
GW2 Artist Collective
Humbly contributed an illustration for the Tyrian Tarot card deck. Very fun project that ended up donating $42,000 to charity.
Ter Aelis, 2008 - 2016
Illustration and matte painting for the Ter Aelis main online platform.
Redaction of classesand tutorials. Creation and gathering of art resources.
I provide advice and help to the Ter Aelis members.
CILSA Art donation, 2011
Original paintings sold at auction.
Octopus Gallery, "La Bande Dessinée en 33 Tours ", Waterloo, Belgium 2007
Exhibition of personal work at La Maison du Tourisme, Waterloo, Belgium 2007
Exhibition of personal work at La Maison des Jeunes, Waterloo, Belgium 2007
SlashTHREE #13 online exhibition Unleashed, February 2010
SlashTHREE #14 online exhibition Cirque Des Couleurs, June 2010
SlashTHREE #15 online exhibition Paradigm Shift, January 2011
SlashTHREE #16 online exhibition New Era, July 2011
SlashTHREE #17 online exhibition Quote Unquote, September 2011
Gallery 160, "Comic Trip ", Saint mary's College of California, Moraga, California, USA 2013
Featured as outstanding contribution in SlashTHREE #20 online exhibition War, November 2013
Gallery 160, Juried Art & Art History Alumni Exhibition, Saint mary's College of California, Moraga, California, USA 2014
Featured as outstanding contribution in SlashTHREE #21 online exhibition Monster, Mars 2014
SlashTHREE #22 online exhibition Discovery, 2015
La Bande Dessinée en 33 Tours, collection of illustrations about music, 2007
Quiver online magazine, 2009
Advanced Creation magazine, Hors-Serie Number 3, 2009
CGChallenge XXIV Winners article,, October 2009
Interviewed in Advanced Creation magazine, Number 20, 2009
ImagineFX magazine, issue February 2010
ImagineFX magazine, issue 56, May 2010 Artbook 04, May 2010
Exposé 8, Ballistic Publishing, July 2010
Daily Selection, Illustration, Art-Spire, October 2010
Exotique 6, Ballistic Publishing, November 2010 Artbook 05, June 2011
SlashTHREE artbook New Era , June 2011
Dragon World, edited by Pamela Wissman and Sarah Laichas, 2011
Smirtouille - Worx, ShockBlast, September 2011
Huéspedes 24, ROOM181, 2013
Inspiración FuriaMag #268, FURIAMAG, 2013
CharacterDesign Served, 2013
ImagineFX magazine, issue April 2014
Horror Vacui vol.4 Sci-Fi, front cover and interview, May 2014
Published in "Humans & Gods", 2017
ImagineFX magazine, issue March 2018
The Sword and the Spirits by Robert Denton III, novella cover art, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2018
L5R Roleplaying Core Rulebook, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2018
Whispers of Shadow and Steel by Mari Murdock, novella cover art, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2018
Accross the Burning Sands by Daniel Lovat Clark, novella cover art, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2019
The Eternal Knot by Marie Brennan, novella cover art, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2019
L5R Roleplaying: Path of Waves, interior art,Fantasy Flight Games, 2019
Trail of Shadows by D.G. Laderoute, novella cover art, Legend of the Five Rings, Fantasy Flight Games, 2020
Midnight - Crown of Madness, interior art, Edge Studio/Fantasy Flight Games, 2022
Adventure in Rokugan - Tomb of Iuchiban, interior art, Edge Studio, 2022
Best Concept Art Award was given from CGSociety, during CGChallenge XXIV,October 2009
Honor/Entrance Scholarschip awarded by Saint Mary's College of California, 2011
Brother Kyran Aviani FSC Award for outstanding scholarship as an Art Major, Saint Mary's College of California, 2013
Bachelor's Degree, Saint Mary's College of California, May 2013
Diablo Valley College, California, January 2009 - July 2011
Graduated from Waterloo High School in Belgium, 2007